Here are some Pics from the 2007 in Zurich, Switzerland. The full Rankinglists you can see on the Newssite of my Homepage: Just scroll down.

2nd: Terence, 1st: Digo, 3rd: Rentos

Rodrigo "Digo" Menezes (BRA)

Elliot Sloan (USA)

Jan Tomsovsky (CZE)

Joris Brichet (FRA)

Terence Bougdour (FRA)

Jocke Olson (SWE)

Trevor Ward (AUS)

Elliot Sloan (USA)

Joris Brichet (FRA)

Rodrigo "Digo" Menezes (BRA)

Reto Odermatt (SWI)

Renton Millar (AUS)

Florent Viart (FRA)

Double with Trevor (up) and Renton (down)

Elliot Sloan (USA)

Jocke Olson(SWE)

Terence Bougdour (FRA)

Joris Brichet (FRA)

Reto Odermatt (SWI)

Christiano Matheus Silva (BRA)

Filip Husek (CZE)
